Friday, September 24, 2010

Great Moments in Email, Part 7

[posted 9/21/10 to]

Letter to the editor of Beyond Chron from a reader named Gary Copestake, in reference to my piece yesterday, “Why a 2011 NFL Strike or Lockout Would Be the Best Thing for America,”

You are an idiot. Sorry to say, but it’s true. I am from Philadelphia, am a die hard Eagles fan, and respect the rules and dedication to the game. The truth of the matter is today’s game two things are happening. NFL players are becoming stronger and more prone to injury. Back in the day, players would wear a plastic helmet that looked as if it could be cut with scissors. If players don’t want to get injured or have the possibility of “concussions,” then they shouldn’t play the game. Simple as that.

Glad Copestake cleared that up. In other news today:

“Denver Broncos’ Wide Receiver Kenny McKinley Dies in Apparent Suicide”

Irv Muchnick

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