Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Another Connecticut Newspaper Editorial: ‘When People Die, It’s Not Just a Soap Opera’

The editorial pages of Connecticut newspapers continue to move in the direction of talking loudly and clearly about Linda McMahon’s accountability for systematic death in her pro wrestling industry. It’s a theme their news pages communicate, if at all, only out of the sides of their mouths.

Yesterday’s Norwich Bulletin editorialized that the McMahon Senate campaign “is based on her successful business career, the former CEO of a sleazy ‘entertainment’ business that exploits and degrades women, glorifies violence and is riddled with drug scandals. She refuses to deal with that honestly, instead dismissing it as ‘just a soap opera.’ When people die, it’s not just a soap opera.”

See “Our view: Only Simmons has knowledge, vision in GOP Senate primary,” http://www.norwichbulletin.com/Opinion/x1137366684/Our-view-Only-Simmons-has-knowledge-vision.

Irv Muchnick

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