Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Five Questions Linda McMahon Wasn’t Asked on ‘Face the State’

Linda McMahon’s loss-lap interview Sunday on Face the State, WFSB, Channel 3, is online at http://www.wfsb.com/facethestate/index.html.

Here are some of the topics that didn’t come up during the nine-minute segment:

1. Linda, the vanity thrill of running for political office and feeling important is understandable. But what, besides your wealth, makes you think another run is at all plausible? You just spent $50 million and lost by 12 points. You were the female candidate, yet garnered only two out of five women’s votes. You lost every single Congressional district in Connecticut – that is to say, your opponent, Richard Blumenthal, got majorities in every section of the state and the five Republican candidates for Congress all lost on an election day in which the party made significant gains across the country. For the first time in 24 years, a Democrat was elected governor in Connecticut, and Republican candidate Tom Foley came much closer to Dan Malloy than you did to Blumenthal – further suggesting that you had a deleterious “reverse coattails” effect. There is talk of replacing the state party chairman, Chris Healy, whose wife Suzan Bibisi was down for a fat paycheck on your campaign staff. What’s wrong with this picture?

2. What is the minimum wage?

3. How many of your wrestlers have died since your last appearance on Face the State?

4. One consequence of your entry into the political arena is an investigation by the State of Connecticut of World Wrestling Entertainment’s abuse of the independent contractor classification. Some critics think this audit was long overdue. How happy are your husband Vince and the WWE board of directors, including Lowell Weicker, about that?

5. Why in the world are we wasting precious broadcast time on your spin of a failed campaign while the state and the country face pressing policy issues?

Oh wait ... That last one is a question Dennis House, the host of Face the State, should have asked himself.

Sorry, Dennis.

Irv Muchnick

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